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Emergeance (for Björn Schmeltzer)

Whether I am creating new sounds in the studio, or performing live for an audience,

I love those moments when something emerges, seemingly out of nowhere and nothing. 


The moment of creation, although always localised in the now, and happening in this specific place, seems to open up to another realm, as if a gate opens, another time seeping in a vertical modus a pilar between here and “there” now and “always”.  

It seems to me that these moments of emergence ‘happen’ when I’m in a flow,

or when I give up or lay down my own

energy and self-centeredness. When I ask for an answer, wait, put myself on hold, 

delay my reactions, surrender myself to

a state of not knowing. 

“Sometimes” this moment of emergence comes through a personal risk taking, a jump over a psycho-emotional, or a social cliff,

a void,

in which I’m not measuring the tension gap between my here and now and an imagined, or presumed future,                       


a measuring which is so much part of the syntax of music and musicianship. 


but also, as much


“Sometimes”, these moments of emergence just happen, out of the blue, on their

own account, regardless of any précondition.     

I can be near sick, very tired, jetlagged, seemingly not really in my body and suddenly “it” happens, and takes me away.

Drags me into the zone where things “happen”.

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