© Eric Thielemans
If your room could speak to you…
what would it not tell you?
A score for a musician, her instrument(s)
and a room.
For musician, instrument, recording device
Read the score one time from
beginning to end
Do nothing
Just feel, let the score sink in
Read the score a 2nd time from
Each NOW starts a new part
Only part 3 involves making (a) sound(s)
Execute the score.
Total time is 50 minutes.
However, except for the 10 minute recording,
The timings are suggestions.
Only in part 3 I’d like you to record the sound of it so prepare a recorder
you can easily arm for recording when moving to part 3.
After executing the score you will thus have made a 10 minute audio piece.
Write down your experiences and reflections.
Repeat the piece as many times as you like to enhance your dialogue
with the room in which you play or listen.
I’d like to make an edit of this piece overlaying all our audio bits.
Preferably not touching or editing, just juxtaposing different stretches
of 10 minute recordings
Be in your room, and let your room Be
——————————————————————————————————————————NOW (1) 20'
Walk through the room
And let the athmosphere of it pass through you
Empty yourself
Of intent
Withdraw your performance
Your need to act out
Your feverish thinking
And your extacy
Feel the suspention
a space of awareness
emanating from your belly
In that space
Let your presence
and the presence of the room
Be-come invisible
Imagine this room without you in it
How is it pulsating at 4am in the morning,
When all is quiet?
Make yourself absent from it
Become small
Un raying
Look at the room
Like a nature observer
Look at the objects and artefacts in it
Your instruments, photographs
A window
The light of day seeping into the room
A shadow and a chair
Meet your room
Say hello to it
——————————————————————————————————————————NOW (2) 20'
Like a cat
Find your spot to rest
Can you stay in this spot for hours?
Tune yourself
Let your body respond to that safe place
Sit still
Lay down
Lean against a wall
Find your resting posture
Become still
Take a little nap
—————————————————————————————————————————NOW (3) 10'
Take this sensation of the room
The blending of both your presence
and the room’s presence
And ask yourself how you, as a musician, with your instrument
Can create a dialogue with this room.
What would you ask or say or play in it?
Did you already converse with the room by meeting it differently?
How could your making a sound emanate from this different meeting?
Imagine adding a sound
to what already is.
In its silence
a presence speaks
Meet this presence
With your presence
And blend
Sound and presence
Room and you